Abortion Procedures
Medical & Surgical
If you are here and looking at abortion options it implies that you recently found out you are pregnant. Whatever the reason may be for you not wanting a baby, many have been in a similar situation for centuries. The procedures have just grown more refined and sociably acceptable
Make an informed choice
"What does abortion mean?"
Through technology and medical advancements many ways have been devised to stop your pregnancy and have it end in the death and premature birth of your baby. Whether you are 6 weeks along or 16, an abotion somehow needs to stop the growing life in you and then be removed from the womb whether by inducing early labour or mechanical removal to achieve a successful abortion. If the life proceeds the abortion has failed.
"Why are there many options?"
"They say it will be pain free!"
Truth is you have cramps before or during your periods. An abortion is a similar process, there is just more endometrial tissue, placenta, membranes and the tissue of the baby. It is more like the birth process. Even if they use suction to manually remove all the parts of the baby and above mentioned the womb still needs to contract to stop the bleeding again.
Yet more than physical discomfort there remains the reality of a broken heart of the mother for the death of her innocent baby. No ones wants to have you talk about this reality. Even online searches and psychology at large denies and refuses to admit that the mother-to-be suffers long after the physical healing from an abortion has taken place. Read more here about the mental realities of abortion.
Another heart weeps and will He not do well to avenge the innocent? He is the Creator and whether we acknowledge Him as such does not change the facts.And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
~ JesusAbortive contraceptives
They might prevent pregnancy to a degree but their second line of defense is to make the uterus hostile for implantation. Long term use can even cause unwanted miscarriages after you stop taking them.
Medical Abortion
A combination of an antiprogestogen first and then a prostaglandin analogue. You will need to confirm your pregnancy and pay a visit to a doctor or abortion clinic to obtain a prescription for these.
These are for up to 10 weeks pregnant.
Surgical Abortion
In late-term abortions the baby needs to be killed by injection and/or cutting the umbilical cord before the extraction procedure starts because the baby will be born intact.
In countries where abortions are legal these are done with no legal implications.
Home Abortions
From drinking dangerous concotions to kill the baby and bring on labour to physically destroying the baby via the cervix women turn to these options as a remedy. These procedures can mutilate or kill a woman. It can destroy her ability to ever bear children again or introduce infections that can become life threatening if not treated medically.
Avoid this option under all circumstances
Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood.