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Safe Haven

Pregnancy Homes

Every woman has the right to choose life for her unborn child.

S.H.E. Cares does not merely want to be a voice for the unborn but be pro-actively involved in providing positive alternatives to both legal and illegal abortion.

Receive the Care and protection you need.

S.H.E. Cares wants to provide safe havens in Namibia for both pregnant women and babies in need of protection, care, counseling, guidance and training with the purpose to empower adults to be self-sustaining and a positive influence in society.

We Help:

  • Women, couples and families all over Namibia who get into serious difficulties due to pregnancy and the possible birth of a child
  • Women (but also fathers) in a conflict about abortion
  • Pregnant women in problematic or dangerous circumstances
  • Women and couples in a crisis due to prenatal diagnosis of probable mental or physical disabilities
  • Teenagers who unexpectedly become pregnant
  • Parents who are confronted with the pregnancy of their teenager

Our core Values

  • Christ - Centered

    We are fundamentally a Christian endeavour. We want to live by the teachings and principles of Christ in every facet of our lives. We recognize the Bible as the infallible word of God.
  • Honesty

    We need to walk together in full transparency towards each other. Integrity at all times will be required for lasting results while following our program.
  • Faithfulness

    Our program is structured to provide a stable & calm home atmosphere. It is crucial for all residents to keep to the schedule and their assigned duties to help all function together smoothly & sufficiently.
  • Dignity

    We consider all people equal and worth in value regardless of race, sex, mental capacity and financial situation. We aim to treat each other with respect as we want to be treated ourselves.
  • Accountability

    We will be clear in our expectations and expect each resident to do what they commit themselves to and take ownership of their responsibilities.
  • Teamwork

    We value relationships. We want to treat each other with kindness and respect, and look out for an other's well-being, focusing on what we can do to support and encourage one another.

Our Program

  • Counseling sessions

    There will be opportunities for each resident to receive personal counseling at fixed times as well as needs arise. Counseling with partners and/or family members may also be requested.
  • Teaching Sessions

    Various teaching sessions will be given in:
    • Discipleship
    • Health care
    • Ante and post natal health
    • Child care
    • Housekeeping
    • Financial Freedom
    • Nutrition
    • vocational skills
  • Duties

    Each resident will be assigned daily housekeeping duties on a rotational basis.
    Journal keeping will be required.
  • Case Management

    Continuous assessment of each individual case will allow us to plan, facilitate, and coordinate care and services as needs change.
  • Medical Care

    All medical care will be provided at established medical facilities depending on your medical aid otherwise state facilities will be used. We provide transport and support.
  • Debriefing

    Before your stay with us will be concluded you will be prepared to re-enter into the society where you came from. We want all our residents to go forward making a positive impact in the family and society.
  • Adoption

    We do not provide adoption services but rather work with social workers if your choice is to release your baby to new parents.
  • Possibilities to serve

    We will welcome anyone wanting to commit a time of service at our facilities to help others as you've been helped.
Disclaimer: As different homes across the country become available this program can be subject to change. Each home will be an individual entity functioning under the oversight of SHE Cares.
Our core values will remain non-negotiable.
Each prospective resident will be screened before entering the program and a home.
And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.
Jesus Christ in Mat 18:5-6; 10


We want to welcome each woman in need during her pregnancy. Our expectations are simple but we require full participation with the program in order to gain the most from your time with us. We also need to strictly adhere to guidlines to make it as productive also for the other residents in the home.

Full Cooperation

We are here to help and walk with you each step of the way. Each resident will need to commit themselves to fully participate and cooperate with the staff, and the program of the house.

We need to take into consideration all other residents' well being and progress.

Be Pregnant

Not every resident will be pregnant during the full duration of their stay but you must stay pregnant and have your baby in order for us to accommodate you.

There will be a pre-determined time where you can stay with us after the birth of your baby if you wish to mother your child.

Contact us today to set up a meeting